Some common questions.....

Would I make a good coach? Life Coaching Coach Training Courses in Australia.

Take our quiz and ask yourself how many of the following apply to you (or how many would you like to apply to you?)

  • I love to help people
  • I am able to listen well
  • I’m curious about others and what makes them tick
  • I am non-judgemental and see everyone, regardless of race, beliefs, colour, size, life choices, career or educational background as spiritual beings having a human experience
  • I am flexible and enjoy change and new experiences
  • I am patient
  • Unconditional Love is an important aspect for the new paradigm we are moving into
  • I have an open mind and an open heart
  • I have gained wisdom through my life experience and would love to share it
  • I want to understand myself better so I can understand the world more
  • I want to be a leader and teacher of Life through the example of my life
  • I want responsible world leadership
  • I envisage a world where we all care for one another and live in harmony
  • I believe in the inherent magnificence of the human spirit
  • I am able to hold unshakeable resolve in the face of doubt
  • I believe in ethics and equality
  • I want to be of service to others and to the planet
  • I have a spiritual and/or holistic outlook on life
  • I am ready to step up
  • I know and accept responsibility for my choices and the results of those choices
  • I want to work in a career that has meaning and purpose
  • I am ready to succeed and achieve my goals and help others do the same
  • I want a career where I can be self motivated and self actualized
  • I want a career with flexible working conditions and a range of options

If you answered yes, or would like to answer yes to these questions, coaching and mentoring could be for you! Email us for more information.

Some Common Questions

  • Do I have to want to become a coach or mentor to take your courses? Life Coaching Coach Training Courses in Australia.

No. Many individuals from a wide variety of careers and industry or members of various organisations areas take part in our training for their own interest, personal and professional development. They find it increases productivity, self awareness, creativity and the ability to deal with the issues of daily life with more grace and ease.

  • Is the course accredited? Our Global Coaching Academy Life Coaching Coach Training Course in Australia is an internationally recognised qualification under the recognition of the International Coach Federation (ICF). It has International equivocacy through being based on the standards and ethics set by the International Coach Federation (ICF). Students who complete the training and the required 100 hours of coaching are eligible to sit the final oral exam with the ICF and gain full membership and International Accreditation.
  • How long does it take to complete the training? Life Coaching Coach Training Courses in Australia.

The course has been designed to be completed in one year. If you need more time we have an extension policy which can be applied for.

How any hours do I have to set aside each week to complete the course?

We recommend about an hour to an hour-a-half per day would be perfect – that means around 12 hours per week which includes your coaching practice in your groups of three.

  • What is the 3 month guarantee? Life Coaching Coach Training Courses in Australia.

Our unique guarantee means that you can see, and we can also discern, whether you are really suited to training with us or not. If, during the first 3 months you decide that you are not 100% committed to the processes and practices we have created for you to transform your life and the lives of those around you, or if we feel that there may be other areas of study or enterprise that may suit you better, you are free to leave the course with a full refund of your tuition fees (the enrolment fee is not refundable). We are also happy to provide feedback and counselling on options for further study.

  • The course is online with 2 x 5 day intensives. How much support will I have during training? Life Coaching Coach Training Courses in Australia.

You will be assigned into groups of 3 (triads) to practice coaching and mentoring one another. You will also be assigned a mentor who will work with you throughout the course and you will have email access to the facilitators. There are also forums that everyone is subscribed to where you can share your experiences along the way and read about the coaching journeys of your class mates.

  • What does it cost and how can I pay for it? Visit for information about current fees.